Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Mr David Gill, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Perth

Mr David Gill – Orthopaedic Surgeon
David Gill, Orthopedic Surgeon

I am a fellowship trained Orthopaedic Surgeon undertaking the management of all aspects of shoulder, elbow and wrist surgery. I perform all arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs and stabilisations as well as joint replacement to ‘best practice’ standards. The spectrum of conditions I manage include tendon tears, instability, arthritis, fractures deformity and stiffness.

After completing my general Orthopaedic Training I undertook sub-specialty training fellowships at the Bernard O’Brien Institute of Microsurgery in Melbourne and then travelled to the Mayo Clinic Rochester USA where I undertook a Fellowship in Upper Extremity followed by Hand Surgery Fellowship.

I am the author of peer reviewed published articles, in medical journals and Orthopaedic Text Book chapters, (please refer to my section on Publications, Research). I have, and continue to present my Research and papers at Orthopaedic meetings such the Australian Shoulder and Elbow Society and frequently travel as Invited Faculty lecturing and demonstrating Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery.

My Patients will receive the highest standard of expertise and care and will be treated with respect and empathy my goal is to get you back to a normal active life as quickly as possible. You are a Person not a number.

I look forward to meeting you.

Recent Presentations

    The Location of Distal Bicipital groove for Arthroscopy NZSES Meeting – Queenstown 2013
    Lecturer and Instructor, Malex Medical Mylab Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur 2013
    The Location of Distal Bicipital groove for Arthroscopy AOAWA Meeting – Perth 2013
    The effect of surgical approach on the occurrence of reoperation after rotator cuff repair AOA Meeting – Darwin 2013


    Selection, Younger Fellows Retreat, RACS 1999
    The Richards Registrar Award (New Zealand 1994)
    Orthopaedic Registrar Research Award (Auckland 1994)
    Orthopaedic Registrar Research Award (Auckland 1993)
    Dux, Scots College 1981

Invited Faculty

    Lecturer and Instructor, Malex Medical Mylab Malaysia February 2013
    Lecturer and Instructor, Arthrex Arthroscopic Masters Lab Shanghai December 2012
    Instructor, Arthrex Arthroscopic Shoulder Lab Bangkok May 2008
    Instructor, ASSET Course, RACS, CTEC WA, August 2006
    Instructor, Mayo Clinic Advanced Surgical Skills Course, May 2001,2002 Rochester MN USA
    Upper Extremity Symposium, NZOA ASM Wellington 1999
    Chief Judge, Sherwood Davis and Geek Wellington Research Awards, Wellington 1998
    Instructor, American Academy Instructional Course "The Elbow" 1997 Chicago, IL, USA

Memberships and Associations


    Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
    Fellow Australian Orthopaedic Association
    International Affiliate American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
    Member of:
        Shoulder and Elbow Society of Australia
        Australian Medical Association
        Mayo Orthopaedic Society
        Mayo Elbow Group
        Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons
        Mayo Alumni

Honorary Positions

    Australian Orthopaedic Association WA Executive Committee 2006-present
    Registrar to the Court of Examiners, RACS Part II Examination April 1999

Subspecialty- Fellowship Training

Hand Fellow

    1996 (Jan-June) St Vincent’s Hospital and Bernard O’Brien Institute of Microsurgery, Cliveden Hill Private Hospital Melbourne, Australia Dr Damian Ireland and Prof.Wayne Morrison

Upper Extremity Adult Reconstruction Fellow

    1996 – 1997 Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA Drs Bernard Morrey, Robert Cofield, Michael Torchia, and Shawn O’Driscoll

Hand Fellow

    1997 – 1998 Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA Drs Richard Berger and Allan Bishop

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