Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Alain Elbaz, Anterior Hip Replacement, Cypress TX

Alain Elbaz, MD.
Alain Elbaz, Hip replacements

Alain Elbaz, M.D. relocated his practice from Montreal, Canada and has practiced orthopedic surgery in Houston, Texas since 1998. He is a founding member of Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine L.L.P. Dr. Elbaz graduated from the University of Montreal in Orthopedics in 1993. He is ABOS board certified in Orthopedics and Sports medicine.

He has performed many hip replacements and was  very satisfied with the outcomes of this operation, but the healing process was often very slow for patients with standard hip replacements. The most common problem with the standard techniques was that they involved cutting through healthy muscle and tendon. This causes weakening of the muscle and more extensive scar tissue leading to longer rehab times (typically 3 -6 months).

He “discovered” the new operating table invented by Dr. Joel Matta by accident in 2006, when another surgeon at his hospita ordered one to help him fix pelvic fractures. After obtaining information about the procedure he went to visit Dr. Matta in California. He trained in the anterior muscle sparing hip replacement procedure with Dr. Joel Matta on two occasions in 2006 and 2008. He started doing the operation in July 2006 and to date has done several hundreds of anterior hip replacements.

Anterior hip replacement is slowly catching on in the orthopedic community. The slow rate of adoption is probably due to the fact that it is not routinely taught in residency programs. This should change as more orthopedists start performing it and teaching it.

This operation allows the surgeon access to the hip joint without cutting into any muscle, and with the aid of real time x-ray he is able to place the components in the optimal position and assure optimal leg length.

Dr. Elbaz enjoys practicing at Advanced Orthopedics because of the emphasis that is placed on providing patients with the most current, peer-reviewed treatments in a friendly down to earth atmosphere.

Dr Alain Elbaz is Board Certified in Orthopedics and Sports medicine through the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS). Anterior hip replacement allows the surgeon access to the hip joint without cutting into any muscle, and with the aid of real time x-ray he is able to place the components in the optimal position and assure optimal leg length. Dr Elbaz has done several hundreds of anterior hip replacements. Click on the desired topics to get more information on the services offered by Dr Alain Elbaz.
For more information check the below link

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